First aid


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First Aid for All Outdoor Activities

Those who enjoy and spend a lot of time outdoors know that a doctor is not always nearby. For this reason, it is important to be prepared with appropriate equipment.

Using a Set Should Be Practiced

Before embarking on any outdoor activity with such a complete set, practice should take place. This provides confidence in handling the contents. If the set really needs to be used, the helper does not have to think long, but every move sits. In addition, one can easily become familiar with the contents so that one knows what one actually has everything for aids and little helpers.
Our sets are designed to be easy to use and do not require lengthy instructions. Nevertheless, one should look closely at the content, because only in this way does the helper know what he finds in the set, where it is classified and in what way he can help.

There are different first aid kits for different uses. Before embarking on an outdoor activity, one should consider what kind of compilation one needs in order to be prepared for many eventualities. The light and small packaging allows easy transport, so the sets do not represent heavy luggage and can be carried in a backpack or bag.

Choosing the Right First Aid Kit

Various sets are offered for first aid in emergencies, from which can be chosen according to needs and activities. When camping, for example, it is sufficient if, for example, in a first-aid kit, plasters and bandage material are available for various minor injuries, as campsites are usually relatively central, so that a doctor or a hospital can be reached in a shorter time. Also, one is mobile when camping.
For tough outdoor activities, a surgeon's set, rescue blankets, and sterile cloths should definitely be carried along to compensate for this lack of mobility.
For hikes far from civilization and military exercises, survival kits are indispensable. These contain everything needed for the initial treatment of wounds. A longer expedition or march should not be undertaken without such a survival kit. If there is really an accident, the life of a person may depend on the group having the right equipment for initial treatment with them. ASMC offers various first aid kits and survival kits that meet different needs. It is important that the kit is adapted to the type and duration of the expedition and that sufficient material is carried for the care.

There are different DIN standards according to which the content of a set or a first aid bag is regulated. The most important ones are DIN 13157, 13164 and 13169.

Expert Tip: How to Treat Wounds without Industrial Aids?

Disinfecting wounds is also possible with alcohol or tea tree oil, for example. In the most extreme emergency, ash that is no longer hot can probably be used. However, we cannot guarantee this tip. It is best to visit your family doctor before a major undertaking and clarify some open questions like these.

In any case, however, compresses and sterile dressings should be carried with you, there is actually no way around it and they are indispensable if you are on the road for a long time.

Questions: First Aid

What should be considered in wound disinfection?

The first and most important point is that wounds should always be carefully rinsed out, of course only with clean water, best of all taken with drinking water. But in an emergency, water from a stream can also be used for this purpose. Then you can really disinfect the wound with alcohol, ideally over 70% alcohol content, if you don't have anything else at hand (wound disinfection spray or similar). But you have to be prepared for a good burning here.
There are also practical, individually rationed "alcohol swabs" designed specifically for such cases and ready for immediate use. As an alternative, urine, which can also be classified as sterile, can be used. Water is still considered better, because fewer other ingredients are present than in the urine fluid.
Also important:
With larger wounds or open fractures, no disinfectant should be used!
What you should definitely avoid:
Shaving water (after-shave) is usually perfumed and should not be used for disinfection due to the risk of blood poisoning.

How to suture wounds properly?

This should not be done by laypersons according to common opinion, as the risk of further injuries and/or blood poisoning/infections is much too high. Furthermore, the difficulty of course also comes into play, that you can usually see the wound itself only poorly or not at all.
Histoacryl, a medical tissue adhesive, is unfortunately not very suitable for outdoor activities if you want to avoid stitching a larger wound. Because this product requires refrigerated storage.

How often should wound dressings/bandages be changed?

It is recommended to change daily if possible.

What should one do if one feels unsure about the care?

Of course, it is not bad to refresh the first aid course, which is mandatory for the driving licence. However, there are also special outdoor first aid courses that really simulate and practice the possible situations.

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